Monday, April 23, 2007

bXg'ers on the Radio

Check out ex-gay survivor and BeyondExGay (bXg) co-founder, Christine Bakke on the radio Tuesday, April 23, 2007 9:00 AM EST Sirius OutQ Radio. OutQ is on channel 109.

On Wednesday, April 24, 2007 from 9:00-10:00 AM EST I will be a guest on the live WNPR program Where We Live. I will talk about identity, the ex-gay movement and more.

Also on Wednesday, check out Daniel Gonzales' new podcast If It's Wednesday, It's Ex-Gay. I just finished a nutty phone interview with Daniel. Who knows what he will keep and what he will cut. Reminds me of those heady days when Joe G. manned his Beppepodcast. I am a little high on a vegan carrot cake (yep, that is the decadent gay lifestyle for you) so I channeled a few other people.

And to check out Christine on Good Morning America, click here

I leave Portland, OR tomorrow :-( but will be in NYC on Wednesday and Christine and I will hang out :-)

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At 11:00 AM , Blogger Diana_CT said...

Good show!
You and Jerimaria were great!
You can listen to show here once they post it on the web....

At 6:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard the podcast. Marvin was great. (chuckle)

I thought it was great when you and Daniel discussed the person who said his ex-gay experience wasn't all bad, though it didn't change him. I think it's important for survivors to find the good in the midst of the hurt and I'm glad you point that out here and elsewhere.

The concept of being unable to unpack the experience resonated with me. I would say more but I'm still processing my thoughts.

I have a suggestion for the film forum. Del Shores is producing his play Southern Baptist Sissies as a movie. It's still in production but I think a mention is warranted. This movie is a dramatization about being gay and Southern Baptist. I haven't seen the play but the storyline is so compelling for me that I'll have to go see the movie one way or another. I think it will definitely resonate with fellow ex-gay survivors who come from religious backgrounds.

Definitely you should do Daniel's podcast again in future. Somehow I figure you will, and I suspect Christine will also be there.

Okay, you have to explain the reference to Ethiopian food!

As always, cheering you on from the sidelines.


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